
Five Tests You Can't Avoid

Everyone is under pressure nowadays to push out new software and software updates on a regular basis. In today’s competitive tech world, there is very little profit margin, so software companies often have to work on volume in order to reach certain profit levels. This also means efficiency in the time spent on software, without compromising quality.

How Time Machine saved the USDA (and all us taxpayers) money

In the heart of the debate season, candidates are in the midst of making promises that the studies show they won't keep. How they will save this and implement that. Then we all get angered when we learn of these disappointing reports of government bureaucrats conducting acts of waste, fraud and abuse of our hard-earned tax money.

The idea has become so prevalent that some of us may actually think our government has no intention of saving us money. They wouldn’t know savings from a hole in the ground.

Streamlining State Health Care Exchanges (A.K.A. ObamaCare)

Much has been made about the various enrollment websites affiliated with health insurance through provisions in the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. “Obamacare”). While every state has an exchange, many of them were created by the federal government, with a few created by their states.

In 2014 there was a great deal of backlash over problems with several of the websites: Constant crashing, not providing adequate security for personal information, and just overall poor navigation which often confused many customers.

Time Heals What Reason Cannot

In healthcare, it is always said that time is of the essence. And even in the administration of healthcare, that seems to be the case, as some federal and state regulations have fairly specific time mandates included in their rules about prescriptions and the administration of care to patients.

But as many healthcare providers don’t operate in a single time zone – and in fact, more than a few have international reach – the concept of time is in some ways even more important.

Time Machine® in Application Regression Testing
