QUICK README FOR TIMEMCHINE ON WINDOWS Download the binary based on the OS and 32/64bit: 1) ftp://ftp.solution-soft.com/pub/tm/windows/ For example: 2008 64bit: ftp://ftp.solution-soft.com/pub/tm/windows/win2008-64/tm_windows_2008_11.1R10.exe 2) run the binary as admin 3) During installation you will be asked to apply a serial number, just hit enter when asked to apply the serial number and the installation will complete. 4) Reboot system at your leisure to complete the installation 5) Then go to Start>Programs>Time Machine>Upgrade License utility and capture the screen text and send us a copy and we will send you temp key. 6) All TimeMachine programs are under Start>Programs>Time Machine> 7) After applying the key, please make sure to start the Time Machine, and the Time Machine Agent Windows servies. 8) The manual is located here: Start>Programs>Time Machine>tmhelp 9) If you have any question please call or email Solution-Soft support at the contact information provided below. By default, Time Machine virtual clock speed does not affect application sleep. The timer adjustment feature can change this. tmuser -a -u user1 -y 2 -s 2 -c # sets virtual clock for user1 2 years in the future (-y 2) accelerated to 2x the normal clock speed (-s 2) Normally, application logic to sleep 10 seconds will sleep 10 seconds even though the virtual clock speed is 2x the normal system clock speed Timer adjustment through a environment variable: To enable timer adjustment: set TM_TIMER_ADJUSTMENT_ENABLED= With the example above, application logic to sleep 10 seconds will sleep 5 seconds as it is now affected by the (-s 2) clock speed parameter. Email: support@solution-soft.com Sale: sales@solution-soft.com phone: US 1+408 346 1414 Web: www.solution-soft.com